Open link in new tab

no mice here

I need to open a link <a>in a new tab/window 's tab, do something there and then close it.

html code:

    <a id="uniqueid" href="somelink">I need to open this in a new tab</a>

python code:

from selenium import webdriver

driver = webdriver.Firefox(executable_path="geckodriver")

element = driver.find_element_by_id("uniqueid")

# I need to do this somehow

First, you want to get the url from "uniqueid"the element :

url = element.get_attribute('href')

Then you get that page, switch to it with Ctrl-TAB , and do something there:

# Save current window
w0 = drv.window_handles[0]

# Create new window, make it the active tab
drv.execute_script("'" + url + "');")
drv.find_element_by_tag_name('body').send_keys(Keys.CONTROL + Keys.TAB)
w1 = drv.window_handles[1]

# Change to the new window

# Do something here

After that, you can w0switch back to :



Open link in new tab or window

Rene Is it possible to open a link a hrefin a new tab instead of the same tab ? <a href="http://your_url_here.html">Link</a> Nason You should add target="_blank"and in the anchor tag rel="noopener noreferrer". E.g: <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"

pandoc: open link in new tab

singles According to this answer , it should be possible to use the following syntax [link](url){:target="_blank"} When used, links can be opened in a new tab pandoc. However, this option does not seem to be supported as it is not recognized when converting t

Button to open link in new tab

Alex Hawking I'm building a website and I want to open a new tab at a specific address when a button is clicked. Here is the html of my button: <button id="AsDownload" onclick="AsDownload();">Download</button> Here is my javascript: function AsDownload(){

Open link in new tab or window

Rene Is it possible to open a link a hrefin a new tab instead of the same tab ? <a href="http://your_url_here.html">Link</a> Nason You should add target="_blank"and in the anchor tag rel="noopener noreferrer". E.g: <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"

pandoc: open link in new tab

singles According to this answer , it should be possible to use the following syntax [link](url){:target="_blank"} When used, links can be opened in a new tab pandoc. However, this option does not seem to be supported as it is not recognized when converting t

Button to open link in new tab

Alex Hawking I'm building a website and I want to open a new tab at a specific address when a button is clicked. Here is the html of my button: <button id="AsDownload" onclick="AsDownload();">Download</button> Here is my javascript: function AsDownload(){

phpBB open link in new tab

Adam I have a phpBB board 3 with prosilver style. When the user clicks the link in the post, the browser will open it in the same tab. Can I change it so that the browser opens the link in a new tab or window? Alexandra Dunn To complete Steve's answer, if you

Open link in new tab or window

Rene Is it possible to open a link a hrefin a new tab instead of the same tab ? <a href="http://your_url_here.html">Link</a> Nason You should add target="_blank"and in the anchor tag rel="noopener noreferrer". E.g: <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"

pandoc: open link in new tab

singles According to this answer , it should be possible to use the following syntax [link](url){:target="_blank"} When used, links can be opened in a new tab pandoc. However, this option does not seem to be supported as it is not recognized when converting t

Button to open link in new tab

Alex Hawking I'm building a website and I want to open a new tab at a specific address when a button is clicked. Here is the html of my button: <button id="AsDownload" onclick="AsDownload();">Download</button> Here is my javascript: function AsDownload(){

phpBB open link in new tab

Adam I have a phpBB board 3 with prosilver style. When the user clicks the link in the post, the browser will open it in the same tab. Can I change it so that the browser opens the link in a new tab or window? Alexandre Tranchant To complete Steve's answer, if

Rails: Open link in new tab (with "link_to")

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Rails: Open link in new tab (with "link_to")

Dantes I have this code: <%= link_to image_tag("facebook.png", :class => "facebook_icon", :alt => "Facebook", :target => "_blank"), "" %> When the user clicks the link, how can I open it in a new tab?

Rails: Open link in new tab (with "link_to")

Dantes I have this code: <%= link_to image_tag("facebook.png", :class => "facebook_icon", :alt => "Facebook", :target => "_blank"), "" %> When the user clicks the link, how can I open it in a new tab?

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Mike Is there a way to make React Router open links in new tabs? I tried it and it didn't work. <Link to="chart" target="_blank" query={{test: this.props.test}} >Test</Link> It can be blurred by adding something similar to what I have above to the onClick="fo

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Mike: Is there a way to make React Router open links in new tabs? I tried it and it didn't work. <Link to="chart" target="_blank" query={{test: this.props.test}} >Test</Link> It can be blurred by adding something similar to what I have above to the onClick="f

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