Simple numerical estimation problem for MLE of polynomials in R

John N

I am trying to build a simple numerical MLE estimate for a multinomial distribution.

The polynomial has a constraint - all cell probabilities need to add up to one.

In general, the way to have this constraint is to reformulate one probability as (1 - sum of other probabilities)

However, when I run this command, I run into a problem during optimization, the logarithm can be negative.

Any ideas on how to fix this? I tried using another optimization package (Rsolnp) and it worked, but I'm trying to get it to work with the simple default R optim to avoid constrained/non-linear optimization.

Here is my code (I know I can parse to get the result in this case, but this is a toy example, my actual problem is bigger than here).

test_data <- rmultinom(n = 1, size = 1000, prob = rep(1/4, 4))
N <- test_data
loglik_function <- function(theta){
  output <- -1*(N[1]*log(theta[1]) + N[2]*log(theta[2]) + N[3]*log(theta[3]) + N[4]*log(1- sum(theta)))

startval <- rep(0.1, 3)

my_optim <- optim(startval, loglik_function, lower = 0.0001, upper = 0.9999, method = "L-BFGS-B")

Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated. thanks

Maurits Evers

Fully Armed: I know you've asked about (constrained) ML estimation, but how to use the Bayesianà la Stan/method rstan. If it's not useful/missing a point, I'll delete it.

  1. The model is just a few lines of code.

    model_code <- "
    data {
        int<lower=1> K;           // number of choices
        int<lower=0> y[K];        // observed choices
    parameters {
        simplex[K] theta;         // simplex of probabilities, one for every choice
    model {
        // Priors
        theta ~ cauchy(0, 2.5);   // weakly informative
        // Likelihood
        y ~ multinomial(theta);
    generated quantities {
        real ratio;
        ratio = theta[1] / theta[2];

    You can see how easy it is to implement a simplex constraint on s thetausing the Stan data type simplex. Using the Stan language, you can easily implement a probabilistic (unit) simplexsimplex

    enter image description here

    where K represents the number of parameters (here options).

    Also notice how we use the generated quantitiescode block to calculate the number of derivations (here ) ratiobased on the parameters (here theta[1]and theta[2]) . Since we have access to the posterior distribution for all parameters, computing the distribution of the number of derivations is straightforward.

  2. Then, we fit the model to yourtest_data

    fit <- stan(model_code = model_code, data = list(K = 4, y = test_data[, 1]))

    and displays a summary of the parameter estimates

    #                 mean      se_mean         sd          2.5%           25%
    #theta[1]     0.2379866 0.0002066858 0.01352791     0.2116417     0.2288498
    #theta[2]     0.26 20013 0.0002208638 0.01365478     0.2358731     0.2526111
    #theta[3]     0.2452539 0.0002101333 0.01344665     0.2196868     0.2361817
    #theta[4]     0.2547582 0.0002110441 0.01375618     0.2277589     0.2458899
    #ratio        0.9116350 0.0012555320 0.08050852     0.7639551     0.8545142
    #lp__     -1392.6941655 0.0261794859 1.19050097 -1395.8297494 -1393.2406198
    #                   50%           75%         97.5%    n_eff      Rhat
    #theta[1]     0.2381541     0.2472830     0.2645305 4283.904 0.9999816
    #theta[2]     0.2615782     0.2710044     0.2898404 3822.257 1.0001742
    #theta[3]     0.2448304     0.2543389     0.2722152 4094.852 1.0007501
    #theta[4]     0.2545946     0.2638733     0.2822803 4248.632 0.9994449
    #ratio        0.9078901     0.9648312     1.0764747 4111.764 0.9998184
    #lp__     -1392.3914998 -1391.8199477 -1391.3274885 2067.937 1.0013440

    and a plot showing point estimates and CIs of the thetaparameters

    plot(fit, pars = "theta")

    enter image description here

Update: Constrained ML estimation usingmaxLik

In fact, you can use the methods provided by the maxLiklibrary to implement constrained ML estimation . I find it a bit "troubling" as the convergence seems to be very sensitive to changes in the starting values ​​and the optimization method used.

For what it's worth, here's a reproducible example:


x <- test_data[, 1]

Defines the log-likelihood function for a multinomial distribution; I 've included a statement ifhere to prevent the theta < 0case from throwing an error.

loglik <- function(theta, x)
    if (all(theta > 0)) sum(dmultinom(x, prob = theta, log = TRUE)) else 0

I am using the Nelder-Mead optimization method here to find the maximum value of the log-likelihood function. The important point here is the parameter that constraintsimplements the constraint in equivalent form A theta + B = 0, see for details and examples ?maxNM.

res <- maxNM(
    start = rep(0.25, length(x)),
    constraints = list(
        eqA = matrix(rep(1, length(x)), ncol = length(x)),
        eqB = -1),
    x = x)

we can check the result

Nelder-Mead maximization
Number of iterations: 111
Return code: 0
successful convergence
Function value: -10.34576
      estimate     gradient
[1,] 0.2380216 -0.014219040
[2,] 0.2620168  0.012664714
[3,] 0.2450181  0.002736670
[4,] 0.2550201 -0.002369234

Constrained optimization based on SUMT
Return code: 1
penalty close to zero
1  outer iterations, barrier value 5.868967e-09

and confirm that the estimated sum is indeed equal to 1 (within accuracy)

#[1] 1.000077


test_data <- rmultinom(n = 1, size = 1000, prob = rep(1/4, 4))


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