What is the lifetime of a compound literal passed as a parameter?


Compile with clang without warning.

typedef struct {
  int option;
  int value;
} someType;

someType *init(someType *ptr) {
  *ptr = (someType) {
    .option = ptr->option | ANOTHEROPT,
    .value = 1

  return ptr;

int main()
  someType *typePtr = init( &(someType) {
    .option = SOMEOPT
  // do something else with typePtr
  1. Is this even valid C?

  2. If so: what is the lifetime of a compound literal?

Yu Hao

Valid C in C99 or later.

C99 § Compound literals

The value of a compound literal is the value of the unnamed object initialized by the initializer list. If the compound literal appears outside the function body, the object has static storage duration; otherwise, the object has static storage duration. Otherwise, it has the automatic storage duration associated with the enclosing block.

In your example, the compound literal has automatic storage, which means its lifetime is within its block, i.e. within the function main()it 's in.

Recommended reading @Shafik Yaghmour:

  1. New C: Compound Literals
  2. GCC Manual: 6.25 Compound Literals


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