The hilt of a dagger: the difference between annotating a class @Singleton and providing a function @Singleton


My question is pretty straightforward: what's the difference between the two comments/examples:

Example 1

class MySingletonClass() {}

abstract class MyFragmentModule {
   fun provideMySingletonClass() = MySingletonClass()

Example 2

class MySingletonClass() {}

abstract class MyFragmentModule {

   fun provideMySingletonClass() = MySingletonClass()

The only difference I know is that the second example gives me the following error:

error: [Dagger/IncompatiblyScopedBindings] FragmentC scoped with may not reference bindings with different scopes:

Does this mean that the comments in @Singletonexample one are simply ignored?

Jeff Bowman

In example one, your @Singletoncomment is ignored, but only because you are calling the constructor in the @Providesmethod yourself . Because Dagger doesn't interact with your MySingletonClassconstructor , it can't read or use annotations.

If you @Singleton class MySingletonClasshave one @Inject constructor- even an empty one - then Dagger will be able to interact with it directly, as long as you also remove @Provides funit will override constructor detection. Once you do that, the behavior @Singletonof is the same in either syntax.


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