On-demand algorithm returns a contiguous combination of k elements from n


This post shows how to write an algorithm that spit out all combinations of k elements of n at a time , thus avoiding permutations. But how to write an algorithm that provides the next combination on demand (obviously, without precomputing and storing them)? It will be initialized with an ordered set of symbols n and integers k , and then called to return the next combination.

For my purposes, pseudocode or good English narration would be fine - I don't speak much of Perl and C and Java.

Leandro Caniglia

original wording

(skip to update below )

  1. Suppose nthe elements are integers 1..n.
  2. kRepresents each -combination in increasing order (this representation gets rid of the permutation inside the -combination k).
  3. Now consider the lexicographic order between k combinations (of nelements) . In other words, {i_1..i_k} < {j_1..j_k}if there is an index tsuch that
    • i_s = j_sall s < tand
    • i_t < j_t
  4. If -combination, define it {i_1..i_k}as the next element in lexicographical order.knext{i_1..i_k}

Here's how it is calculated next{i_1..i_k}:

  • Find the largest exponent rsuch thati_r + 1 < i_{r+1}
  • If no index satisfies this condition i_k < n, setr := k
  • If none of the above conditions are met, there is no next (and k-combination equals {n-k+1, n-k+2,... ,n})
  • If rthe first condition is met, set nextto{i_1, ..., i_{r-1}, i_r + 1, i_{r+1}, ..., i_k}
  • if r = k(second condition), setnext := {i_1, ..., i_{k-1}, i_k + 1}.

Update (many thanks to @rici for improving the solution)

  1. Suppose nthe elements are integers 1..n.
  2. kRepresents each -combination in increasing order (this representation gets rid of the permutation inside the -combination k).
  3. Now consider the lexicographic order between k combinations (of nelements) . In other words, {i_1..i_k} < {j_1..j_k}if there is an index tsuch that
    • i_s = j_sall s < tand
    • i_t < j_t
  4. If -combination, define it {i_1..i_k}as the next element in lexicographical order.knext{i_1..i_k}
  5. Note that in this order, the smallest kcombination is {1..k}the largest {n-k+1, n-k+2,... ,n}.

Here's how to calculatenext{i_1..i_k}

  • Find the largest index rso that it i_rcan be increased 1.
  • Increments the value at index rand resets the following elements from consecutive values ​​starting at i_r + 2.
  • Repeat until there are no more places to add.

more specifically:

  • If i_k < n, increment i_kby 1(ie, replace i_kwith i_k + 1)
  • If i_k = n, find the largest exponent rsuch that i_r + 1 < i_{r+1}. Then increase i_rthe pass 1and reset the following positions{i_r + 2, i_r + 3, ..., i_r + k + 1 - r}
  • repeat until reach{n-k+1, n-k+2,... ,n}

Note the recursive nature of this algorithm : every time the least significant position is incremented, the tail is reset to the lexicographically smallest sequence that starts with the value just incremented.

Smalltalk code

SequenceableCollection >> #nextChoiceFrom: n
    | next k r ar |
    k := self size.
    (self at: 1) = (n - k + 1) ifTrue: [^nil].
    next := self shallowCopy.
    r := (self at: k) = n
      ifTrue: [(1 to: k-1) findLast: [:i | (self at: i) + 1 < (self at: i+1)]]
      ifFalse: [k].
    ar := self at: r.
    r to: k do: [:i | 
      ar := ar + 1.
      next at: i put: ar].


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