How to quit without saving the file in Python

Light of the city

I'm new to python and have only written a few programs so far to help me with my work (I'm a sysadmin). I am now writing this script which will write the output of a MySQL query to a file. Between loops, I want to check for an additional condition, and if the condition doesn't match, I want to close the file it's writing to without saving the file it's already written to. Like "exit without saving". I wrote this simple code to see if closing the file without using close() will exit without saving, but after running and exiting this code it will create the file with the content. So, is there a legal way in Python to exit a file without saving?

fo.write('This content\n')

PS:- Python version is 2.4.3 (sorry, can't upgrade)

Aaron Hall

Check the condition before opening the file:


if condition():

    fo.write('This content\n')


How to quit without saving the file in Python

Light of the city I'm new to python and have only written a few programs so far to help me with my work (I'm a sysadmin). I am now writing this script which will write the output of a MySQL query to a file. Between loops, I want to check for an additional cond

How do I quit without saving the file in Python

Light of the city I'm new to python and have only written a few programs so far to help me with my work (I'm a sysadmin). I am now writing this script which will write the output of a MySQL query to a file. Between loops, I want to check for an additional cond

How do I quit without saving the file in Python

Light of the city I'm new to python and have only written a few programs so far to help me with my work (I'm a sysadmin). I am now writing this script which will write the output of a MySQL query to a file. Between loops, I want to check for an additional cond

How do I quit without saving the file in Python

Light of the city I'm new to python and have only written a few programs so far to help me with my work (I'm a sysadmin). I am now writing this script which will write the output of a MySQL query to a file. Between loops, I want to check for an additional cond

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List When I do xl.Quit(), Excel always pops up and prompts you if you want to save. How can I tell I don't want to save? xl = Dispatch('Excel.Application') xl.Workbooks.Open('New Workbook.xlsx') # do some stuff xl.Quit() Xukrao from win32com.client import Di

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List When I do xl.Quit(), Excel always pops up and prompts you if you want to save. How can I tell I don't want to save? xl = Dispatch('Excel.Application') xl.Workbooks.Open('New Workbook.xlsx') # do some stuff xl.Quit() Xukrao from win32com.client import Di

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