Springboot test fails to autowire TestRestTemplate when using junit5


I am using springboot version 2.2.2.RELEASE.

I am trying to add tests using junit5, this is how it is set up in build.gradle:

testImplementation('org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test') {
    exclude group: 'junit', module: 'junit'
testImplementation "org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api:5.5.2"
testRuntimeOnly "org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine:5.5.2"

Here is my test class:

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment= SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT, classes = UserServiceApplication.class)
public class UserControllerIntegrationTest {
    private TestRestTemplate testRestTemplate;


The problem is that restRestTemplate is null. The only way it works is when using:


However, as I understand it, this is junit4 support, right?

I am using the deprecated TestRestTemplate (org.springframework.boot.test.web.client.TestRestTemplate).

I also tried adding the following, but that didn't work either:


What am I missing?


Rick Peel

Make sure the entire test is using JUnit 5 related annotations. Maybe your @Testannotations are still using JUnit 4.

The following example works for JUnit 5 and Spring Boot:

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest;
import org.springframework.boot.test.web.client.TestRestTemplate;
import org.springframework.test.context.junit.jupiter.SpringExtension;

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull;

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT, classes = YourApplication.class)
public class TestOne {

  private TestRestTemplate testRestTemplate;

  public void test() {


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