Storing user passwords for web apps in client-side JavaScript - is this secure?


TL;DR - Store the web app's user login password in memory in JS for use when the user data is encrypted client-side: yes or no?

I am developing a web application where users can store their notes in the cloud. The user has a login password. Additionally , users can choose to encrypt their notes with a password. These notes are stored encrypted in the cloud, which means that only the user can decrypt them (if the password for the note is lost, it will be lost).

For user convenience, it's better to use the same password for account login and note encryption, and store that password in memory in a JS variable when logging in, so that they don't have to re-enter the password every time they enter it. Apps need to encrypt or decrypt anything (for example, if they update a note).

Is this not safe? Yes, an attacker with access to the user's computer can do a memory dump, or insert breakpoints in (uglified) JS, etc., and then get the password. But an attacker with access to the user's computer can still do this: in order to fully log in, it is important to note that the user's password is accessible in plain text in the application's JS.

So it seems ok to me - it's not safe to not store. Any ideas?

silver fox

Yes, JavaScript variables will be protected by the same origin policy, preventing other domains from accessing this data.

Consider storing a salted hash of the password as a JavaScript variable, then use that hash to encrypt and decrypt data in the cloud. This will prevent a local attacker from querying local variables on other people's machines for passwords (e.g. they didn't lock the screen while drinking coffee). Since the attack involves stealing sessions (which is easy to do on an unattended computer), this attack is slightly more risky because the password may have been reused on other sites. You don't want your site to be a weak point for attackers, as it can access other users' Gmail, bank accounts, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Also consider key expansion to make your encryption key "strong enough". Since the encryption key is a password (called password-based encryption), a key of at least 128 bits of entropy needs to be derived, which is more than what your average user password contains.

Other things to consider in the design:

  • All communications over HTTPS are secured using TLS.
  • For any session cookies, set the secure and HTTP-only flags whenever possible.
  • Use HSTS to ensure future connections from duplicate users are HTTPS only.


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