Run database migrations on cloud builds connected to cloud SQL using private IP

Abhilash Cerankara

I'm trying to setup a database migration for a Nodejs application on a cloud build connecting to Cloud sql using a private IP through a Cloud sql proxy. Cloud SQL connections always fail with cloud builds.

Currently, I'm running migrations manually from compute engine.

I followed this SO to set up the build steps. Running node.js database migrations on Google Cloud SQL during Google Cloud Build


  - name: node:12-slim
    args: ["npm", "install"]
      - "NODE_ENV=${_NODE_ENV}"
  - name: alpine:3.10
    entrypoint: sh
      - -c
      - "wget -O /workspace/cloud_sql_proxy &&  chmod +x /workspace/cloud_sql_proxy"
  - name: node:12
    timeout: 100s
    entrypoint: sh
      - -c
      - "(/workspace/cloud_sql_proxy -dir=/workspace -instances=my-project-id:asia-south1:postgres-master=tcp:5432 & sleep 3) && npm run migrate"
      - "NODE_ENV=${_NODE_ENV}"
      - "DB_NAME=${_DB_NAME}"
      - "DB_PASS=${_DB_PASS}"
      - "DB_USER=${_DB_USER}"
      - "DB_HOST=${_DB_HOST}"
      - "DB_PORT=${_DB_PORT}"
  - name: ""
    entrypoint: "bash"
        "gcloud secrets versions access latest --secret=backend-api-env > credentials.yaml",
  - name: ""
    args: ["app", "deploy", "--stop-previous-version", "-v", "$SHORT_SHA"]
timeout: "600s"


KnexTimeoutError: Knex: Timeout acquiring a connection. The pool is probably full. Are you missing a .transacting(trx) call?
Step #2:     at Client_PG.acquireConnection (/workspace/node_modules/knex/lib/client.js:349:26)

Cloud build roles:

Cloud Build Service Account
Cloud SQL Admin
Compute Network User
Service Account User
Secret Manager Secret Accessor
Serverless VPC Access Admin

The CLOUD SQL ADMIN API is also enabled.


NPM libs:
  "pg": "8.0.3"
  "knex": "0.21.1"

The Cloud SQL Dedicated IP feature uses internal IP addresses hosted in the VPC network and can only be accessed from other resources in the same VPC network.

Since Cloud Build does not support VPC networking, it is not possible to connect to the private IP of a Cloud SQL instance from Cloud Build.

You may want to check out the official Cloud SQL documentation on this topic to choose another option that suits your use case.


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