How to change the checked color of a checkbox?

(Malsha Madushani Kalahewaththa

I want to change the color of the checked checkbox to green and the size should also change. But in my code, the size is changing but the color is not. I :checked:afteralso tried using

    width: 16px !important;
    height: 16px !important;
    border-radius: 2px;
    border: 1px solid #7A7A9D;
    box-sizing: border-box;
    width: 100px !important;
    height: 100px !important;
    margin: 5px;
    color: red;
Allen Reitz

Checkboxes are generally not considered to be styleable, but there are plenty of good ways to cheat. The W3C's "Custom Checkboxes" and "Radio Buttons" are a good place to start. It appears that the related SO question has many useful links.

I would use the more advanced CSS "+" selector

Also, using it !importantin CSS is often troublesome. In a few cases it helps, but in general it usually just causes trouble.

To answer your question directly:

input[type='checkbox'] {
  display: none;

input[type='checkbox']+span::before {
  content: "";
  display: inline-block;
  width: 16px;
  height: 16px;
  border-radius: 2px;
  border: 1px solid #7A7A9D;
  box-sizing: border-box;

input[type='checkbox']:checked+span::before {
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  margin: 5px;
  background: green;
  <input type="checkbox">

  <input type="checkbox">

<label class="custom-checkbox">
  <input type="checkbox">
  <span >Bacon</span>


How to change the checked color of a checkbox?

(Malsha Madushani Kalahewaththa I want to change the color of the checked checkbox to green and the size should also change. But in my code, the size is changing but the color is not. I :checked:afteralso tried using input[type='checkbox']{ width: 16px !im

How to change the checked color of a checkbox?

(Malsha Madushani Kalahewaththa I want to change the color of the checked checkbox to green and the size should also change. But in my code, the size is changing but the color is not. I :checked:afteralso tried using input[type='checkbox']{ width: 16px !im

How to change the checked color of a checkbox?

(Malsha Madushani Kalahewaththa I want to change the color of the checked checkbox to green and the size should also change. But in my code, the size is changing but the color is not. I :checked:afteralso tried using input[type='checkbox']{ width: 16px !im

How to change the checked color of a checkbox?

(Malsha Madushani Kalahewaththa I want to change the color of the checked checkbox to green and the size should also change. But in my code, the size is changing but the color is not. I :checked:afteralso tried using input[type='checkbox']{ width: 16px !im

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How to programmatically change checkbox checked color

user112016322: I am using the CheckBox view in Android. I want to change its color on inspection. Right now it's the default dark green when it's selected, I want to change it to something else, and make it the default if it's not selected. Here is my code: Ch

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How to programmatically change checkbox checked color

user112016322: I am using the CheckBox view in Android. I want to change its color on inspection. Right now it's the default dark green when it's selected, I want to change it to something else, and make it the default if it's not selected. Here is my code: Ch

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Flutter: Change checked color of checkbox

SK7 I am trying to create a bottom sheet with checkboxes . I'm finding it hard to select checkboxes and display different colors after clicking. Currently, the checkbox remains empty. How can I fix this? bool isChecked = false; ... Column( ch

Flutter: Change checked color of checkbox

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Flutter: Change checked color of checkbox

SK7 I am trying to create a bottom sheet with checkboxes . I'm finding it hard to select checkboxes and display different colors after clicking. Currently, the checkbox remains empty. How can I fix this? bool isChecked = false; ... Column( ch

Flutter: Change checked color of checkbox

SK7 I am trying to create a bottom sheet with checkboxes . I'm finding it hard to select checkboxes and display different colors after clicking. Currently, the checkbox remains empty. How can I fix this? bool isChecked = false; ... Column( ch

Flutter: Change checked color of checkbox

SK7 I am trying to create a bottom sheet with checkboxes . I'm finding it hard to select checkboxes and display different colors after clicking. Currently, the checkbox remains empty. How can I fix this? bool isChecked = false; ... Column( ch

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