How to add italics in gVim?


I'm fairly new to Vim and mostly use gVim for most coding purposes. I'm trying to figure out what to add to my _vimrc (in Windows) to italicize my comments.

I try to add

highlight Comment cterm=italic

But it didn't work. My modifications to vimrc so far are:

color slate
set number
set nowrap
set guioptions+=b
if has('gui_running')
  set guifont=Consolas:h10

So, what can I do to make my comments appear in italics (consolas, italics, size 10)?

Ingo Karkat

This ctermdefinition applies only to color terminals. For GUI you need to use gui=parameters:

highlight Comment cterm=italic gui=italic

Also, put it after your command , otherwise it might be overwritten.:colorscheme~/.vimrc


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search for brackets and add \ in gvim

squat I am new to Vim. Please help to search and add \to the string. For example, for [1][sometest & numbers][7], the output should be [1]\[sometest & numbers\][7]. I can change the open bracket, [with this :%s/\[[a-z]\&\[/\\\[/g But can't do it ](brackets).

search for brackets and add \ in gvim

squat I am new to Vim. Please help to search and add \to the string. For example, for [1][sometest & numbers][7], the output should be [1]\[sometest & numbers\][7]. I can change the open bracket, [with this :%s/\[[a-z]\&\[/\\\[/g But can't do it ](brackets).

search for brackets and add \ in gvim

squat I am new to Vim. Please help to search and add \to the string. For example, for [1][sometest & numbers][7], the output should be [1]\[sometest & numbers\][7]. I can change the open bracket, [with this :%s/\[[a-z]\&\[/\\\[/g But can't do it ](brackets).

search for brackets and add \ in gvim

squat I am new to Vim. Please help to search and add \to the string. For example, for [1][sometest & numbers][7], the output should be [1]\[sometest & numbers\][7]. I can change the open bracket, [with this :%s/\[[a-z]\&\[/\\\[/g But can't do it ](brackets).

search for brackets and add \ in gvim

squat I am new to Vim. Please help to search and add \to the string. For example, for [1][sometest & numbers][7], the output should be [1]\[sometest & numbers\][7]. I can change the open bracket, [with this :%s/\[[a-z]\&\[/\\\[/g But can't do it ](brackets).

search for brackets and add \ in gvim

squat I am new to Vim. Please help to search and add \to the string. For example, for [1][sometest & numbers][7], the output should be [1]\[sometest & numbers\][7]. I can change the open bracket, [with this :%s/\[[a-z]\&\[/\\\[/g But can't do it ](brackets).