Connecting to Google Cloud SQL instance on private IP fails from VM with both private and public IP


What I want to set:

  • Cloud SQL instance with private IP, Postgresql database
  • A VM with one public IP and one private IP on the same VPC network as the SQL instance (VM, SQL instance and VPC are all in the same region)
  • The VM's service account has sufficient Cloud SQL client/viewer permissions
  • The SQL agent on the VM connects to the SQL instance. I run it with some parameters -ip_address_types=PRIVATEfound in the documentation .

configuration code

Slightly simplified Terraform code to reproduce the state that confuses me is here: To test this:

  1. Create a new one-off Google Cloud project.
  2. For convenience, you can run to enable the correct service (it will ask for the id of the Google project and assume you have a gcloud client logged in and accessible).
  3. Create a service account in the project, just make it the owner for convenience, and save the key file there./local-secrets/google-project-credentials.json
  4. Update terraform.tfvars with project ID and service account's email
  5. terraform workspace new staging
  6. terraform init
  7. terraform apply

Once Terraform is complete, you should have a database and a VM set up in your project.

  1. SSH into the VM and runsudo apt install postgresql-client-common postgresql-client
  2. Find the IP address of the DB instance
  3. Run this command (modify details as needed)psql --host -U gcp-network-issue-demo-staging-db-user gcp-network-issue-demo-staging-database

What's wrong?

  • Any attempt to actually use the connection (such as from the psql client or db-migrate) will time out
  • If I remove the VM's public IP address from the settings, the connection works fine. However, I need a publicly accessible VM that other services can connect to.

What am I missing?


The reason for this problem is that I can't understand that a network interface can have both public and private IPs/networks. So my code sets up a public interface and a private network interface for google_compute_instance:

  # Update VM needs a public IP
  network_interface {
    network = "default"
    access_config {

  network_interface {
    network    =
    subnetwork = var.subnetwork

Now, I still don't fully understand networking, but it doesn't seem like you can (easily?) specify the interface the database connection is trying to use, and it doesn't automatically pick the correct one. The fix in this commit will configure access to both private and public network interfaces:


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