Why graphql query doesn't work in react?

Andre Mello

Second response errorIn my React project, I use query to search github user data. The query is as follows:

const GET_USER = (user) => `
  user(login: "${user}") {
    followers(last: 5){
    repositories(last: 5){

If I update the query by just adding a single field called emailin the followersreact app it stops working:

followers(last: 5){

The same happens if I add data about the organization to the query, like this:

 organizations(last: 5){

However, when I do the same query in this link: [ https://developer.github.com/v4/explorer/] it works.

My react project is in the link: [ https://github.com/rvmelo/react-tech6-final-project] . Queries are in App.jsfiles inside srcfolders .

first-response error


It stopped working because the user might not have such information.

I cloned your repo and added the code


It did stop working then I added a fallback

<div>email:{user.following.email || ""}</div>

It worked.

You might want to check this information before rendering, e.g.

{user && user.following && user.following.email &&

The same thingorganizations

  {user && user.organizations &&
    <div>Organization name:{user.organizations.name}</div>

As for followers( updated )

const Followers = ({ followers }) => (

  <strong>Followers updated for SO:</strong>

    {followers.edges.map(follower => (
    <li key={follower.node.id}>
      <img src={follower.node.avatarUrl}/>
        {follower && follower.node && follower.node.name && (
        <div>Name:{follower.node.name}</div>) }
        {follower && follower.node && follower.node.email && (
        <div>Email:{follower.node.email}</div>) }

Screenshot of my profile. One has email followers, the other doesn't.enter image description here

I went ahead and forked your repo, which is a clone of my repo from your question. Make sure your token has the permissions. On a whim, I can totally use my keys. Check yours!


Why graphql query doesn't work in react?

Andre Mello In my React project, I use query to search github user data. The query is as follows: const GET_USER = (user) => ` { user(login: "${user}") { name login avatarUrl company gists{ totalCount } following{ totalCo

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Why scalar date GraphQL doesn't work

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Why scalar date GraphQL doesn't work

Ramzan Chasygov graphqlI need to provide date ideas in a project I'm using graphql, when I use type date Stringcorrectly in the parser it shows the date, but when I use it scalar Datein the parser I get an falseinteger date. Couldn't find anything in the docum

Why scalar date GraphQL doesn't work

Ramzan Chasygov graphqlI need to provide date ideas in a project I'm using graphql, when I use type date Stringcorrectly in the parser it shows the date, but when I use it scalar Datein the parser I get an falseinteger date. Couldn't find anything in the docum

Why scalar date GraphQL doesn't work

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