Mouse not working correctly when running vim in tmux


I am running vim in tmux,

When I try to select a text range in VIM, the mouse keeps resetting its position so I can only select one line (the last line where the mouse happens).

Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

Jason Voyan

You need to configure two settings for this to work.

  1. In your .vimrcaddition:

    set ttymouse=xterm2
    set mouse=a
  2. In your .tmux.confaddition:

    set -g mouse on

You'll then be able to use the mouse to select blocks of text, resize split windows, ...


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Duncan Hall I made some changes to the .vimrcfile which included several vim-plug plugins, some syntax/color options and some keymaps. However, whenever I open a new Vim session, not all are applied (most notably coloring and syntax highlighting). If I run :so

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Tropilio I would like to have an option in the tmux config file that can only be activated if vim is not running in the current panel/window. Specifically, the line is as follows: bind-key -n MouseDown2Pane run "tmux set-buffer \"$(xclip -o -sel primary)\"; tm

How to make tmux apply options only when vim is not running?

Tropilio I would like to have an option in the tmux config file that can only be activated if vim is not running in the current panel/window. Specifically, the line is as follows: bind-key -n MouseDown2Pane run "tmux set-buffer \"$(xclip -o -sel primary)\"; tm

Vim requires .vimrc every time when running in tmux

Duncan Hall I made some changes to the .vimrcfile which included several vim-plug plugins, some syntax/color options and some keymaps. However, whenever I open a new Vim session, not all are applied (most notably coloring and syntax highlighting). If I run :so

Vim requires .vimrc every time when running in tmux

Duncan Hall I made some changes to the .vimrcfile which included several vim-plug plugins, some syntax/color options and some keymaps. However, whenever I open a new Vim session, not all are applied (most notably coloring and syntax highlighting). If I run :so

How to make tmux apply options only when vim is not running?

Tropilio I would like to have an option in the tmux config file that can only be activated if vim is not running in the current panel/window. Specifically, the line is as follows: bind-key -n MouseDown2Pane run "tmux set-buffer \"$(xclip -o -sel primary)\"; tm

How to make tmux apply options only when vim is not running?

Tropilio I would like to have an option in the tmux config file that can only be activated if vim is not running in the current panel/window. Specifically, the line is as follows: bind-key -n MouseDown2Pane run "tmux set-buffer \"$(xclip -o -sel primary)\"; tm

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