Programmatically delete files/folders in Docker container

Jimit Joshi:

I'm currently exploring how to programmatically delete files/folders inside a docker container. I know we can use docker cp to copy files from container to host. However, I'm looking for something like docker mv or docker rm that allows me to move or delete files/folders in docker.

The scenario is, we are writing automated test cases in Java, for one case we need to copy log files from the server's log folder to declare the logs written by the test cases. We are using docker cp to copy log files. However, it also contains logs of old test cases. So I was thinking if I could delete the log file before executing the test case. Make sure that the logs I'm copying are only written by test cases. Is there any other way?

sudhir sharma:

You can delete files from programs running on the host using the following command

docker exec <container> rm -rf <YourFile>

However, if there are old files because the container was never deleted, it is common practice to delete the container after all test suite executions are complete,

New jobs should create new containers.


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Programmatically delete files/folders in Docker container

Jimit Joshi: I'm currently exploring how to programmatically delete files/folders inside a docker container. I know we can use docker cp to copy files from container to host. However, I'm looking for something like docker mv or docker rm that allows me to move

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Programmatically delete files/folders in Docker container

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Programmatically delete files/folders in Docker container

Jimit Joshi I'm currently exploring how to programmatically delete files/folders inside a docker container. I know we can use docker cp to copy files from container to host. However, I'm looking for something like docker mv or docker rm that would allow me to

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Programmatically execute into a Docker container

Simmons: I want to write a program that allows the user to select a running docker container and give it an interactive shell. The flow of the program I want is roughly as follows: User runs program from bash -./my_program Provides users with an interactive cl

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stop and delete the docker container (if running)

Robbo_UK: I'm looking to practically stop and delete a docker container (if running). This is for build scripts. See the example below. How would I stop and delete the docker container "rabbitmq" as shown in the NAMES column in the bash script. docker ps CONT

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bee This is a very basic question. A docker container can be stopped and deleted like this. docker stop <container_id> docker rm <container_id> Is it the same as this? docker rm -f <container_id> If they are not the same, what are the negative consequences o

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docker stop and delete container

bee This is a very basic question. A docker container can be stopped and deleted like this. docker stop <container_id> docker rm <container_id> Is it the same as this? docker rm -f <container_id> If they are not the same, what are the negative consequences o

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