How can I prevent the component from re-rendering? (with MWE)


How can I prevent a component from re-rendering without changing its props ?

Code sandbox link/minimal working example . Move the cursor over Canvasand you can see that the console logs a number of "Canvas re-rendered"messages.

At the top level, I pass a constfunction as a handler Canvas. The onMouseMoveHandlerupdate Appso that it can update the state Detailsconsists of:

<div className="App">
  <Canvas onMouseMoveHandler={onMouseMoveHandler} />
  <Details passedProp={getValue} />

I need it so that it Canvasdoesn't re-render because the HTML canvaselements in it have user drawn lines. How can I do this?

I would have thought that using React.memowould make it act like a pure component, so it wouldn't be re-rendered.

I'm a beginner in React, if I'm not thinking about the correct code structure, please tell me how to fix it.


Every time App.js is called setValue, the Appcomponent is re-rendered and a new onMouseMoveHandlerfunction is created. Your Canvascomponent uses, React.memobut since onMouseMoveHandlerit gets a new reference every time it re-renders, it also re-renders. To prevent this, you must onMouseMoveHandleruse useCallback. useCallback will return a memoized version of the callback, only changed if one of the dependencies has changed. .

Here is an example:

const onMouseMoveHandler = useCallback(() => {
}, []);


How can I prevent the component from re-rendering? (with MWE)

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