How can I use import if I want to import a module as a string?


I have a list of module names in an array. I want to import all these modules from an already imported class. It seems that I cannot use from TestModule __import__(name)

How can I do this? Here is what I have:

import MainModule
arr = \
    ['Module1', 'Module2', 'Module3', 'Module4', 'Module5']
for string in arr:
     # Use FROM  to import the sub classes somehow
     from MainModule __import__(string)

Of course, Python doesn't allow me to do this.

import MainModule
arr = \
    ['Module1', 'Module2', 'Module3', 'Module4', 'Module5']
for string in arr:
    globals()[string] = getattr(MainModule, string)

Although the modification globals()is not very elegant , it might help you .


modules = {string: getattr(MainModule, string) for string in arr}

Then do whatever you moduleswant , e.g.

class MyModulesHolder(dict):

modules = MyModulesHolder()
modules.__dict__ = modules
modules.update({string: getattr(MainModule, string) for string in arr})

So you can do it modules.Module2.whatever().


How can I use import if I want to import a module as a string?

shadow I have a list of module names in an array. I want to import all these modules from an already imported class. It seems that I cannot use from TestModule __import__(name) How can I do this? Here is what I have: import MainModule arr = \ ['Module1', '

How can I use import if I want to import a module as a string?

shadow I have a list of module names in an array. I want to import all these modules from an already imported class. It seems that I cannot use from TestModule __import__(name) How can I do this? Here is what I have: import MainModule arr = \ ['Module1', '

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How can I use import if I want to import a module as a string?

shadow I have a list of module names in an array. I want to import all these modules from an already imported class. It seems that I cannot use from TestModule __import__(name) How can I do this? Here is what I have: import MainModule arr = \ ['Module1', '

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How can I use import if I want to import a module as a string?

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