What could be the reason for the exception "org.hibernate.QueryException message does not set all named parameters:"?


So I am trying to execute the following query in grails

User user = springSecurityService.currentUser
def approverGroupList = approverGroupService.getApproverGroupsByUser(user.id)
return VerificationRequest.executeQuery("select distinct v.fundTransfer from VerificationRequest v where v.fundTransfer.creator.corporateHouse=:corporateHouse and v.verified = false and v.fundTransfer.status ='QUEUED' and v.approverGroup in (:approverGroupList)", [corporateHouse:corporateHouse],[approverGroupList:approverGroupList])

But I get the following exception:

    Not all named parameters have been set: [approverGroupList] [select distinct v.fundTransfer from VerificationRequest v where v.fundTransfer.creator.corporateHouse=:corporateHouse and v.verified = false and v.fundTransfer.status ='QUEUED' and v.approverGroup in (:approverGroupList)]

CorporateHouse is also the object passed to the method that executes this query, and that object is not null. What could be the reason?

PS I'm new to grails!


You have passed two maps to executeQuery:

VerificationRequest.executeQuery("...", [corporateHouse:corporateHouse],[approverGroupList:approverGroupList])

It should be a map with two values:

VerificationRequest.executeQuery("...", [corporateHouse:corporateHouse, approverGroupList:approverGroupList])

According to the documentation , the second map is treated as a map with additional parameters.


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