How to find WPF page in navigation history to prevent it from being opened again

Gary Kindel

How can I determine if a WPF page is still in the WPF framework's navigation history before navigating back to that page?


My WPF application uses a single MainWindow with two frames, one for menu layout and another for displaying content. I'm using the MVVM pattern to display content as WPF pages as views with as little code behind each view/page as possible.

The content frame (shown in red) has NavigationUI visible.enter image description here


enter image description here

Here is typical code to create a WPF page and display it in the main window via a static helper class:

public static void ShowPeriodicTable()
  var page = new Views.PeriodicTable();
  (Application.Current.MainWindow as MainWindow).ContentArea.Navigate(page);

This code loads the same page again and again, even though it's already loaded.

I made the following changes to detect if the current page is displayed in the MainWindow.ContentArea(frame) before creating and navigating to the page.

public static void ShowPeriodicTable()
        var currentPage = ((DRC_SQLITE.MainWindow)Application.Current.MainWindow).ContentArea.Content;
        if (currentPage == null || (currentPage != null && currentPage.GetType().Name != "PeriodicTable"))
            var page = new Views.PeriodicTable();
            (Application.Current.MainWindow as MainWindow).ContentArea.Navigate(page);


How can I detect if the page to open exists in the navigation history, but is not the current page in the frame. In the image below, the settingPage is opened twice. I would like to eliminate this to better manage the memory usage of the application.

enter image description here


Pages are rarely used in commercial applications. As far as I understand they are indeed for xbap (wpf in browser). It is more common to host user controls in contentcontrols. In this case, there are two common options

1) Look first. Holds a dictionary of user controls typed by type.

    public partial class MainWindow : Window
        public MainWindow()

        private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Button btn = (Button)e.OriginalSource;
            Navigate(btn.Tag as Type);

        private void Navigate (Type viewType)
            UserControl uc;
            if (Views.ContainsKey(viewType))
                uc = Views[viewType];
                uc = (UserControl)Activator.CreateInstance(viewType);
                Views[viewType] = uc;
            NavigationParent.Content = uc;
        private Dictionary<Type, UserControl> Views = new Dictionary<Type, UserControl>();

Proponents point out that navigation can be said to be a view responsibility.

2) First use Viewmodel.

Bind the content of the contentcontrol to a property in your mainwindowviewmodel. Switch it to the view model of each view, and switch it to the user control. You can then control the retention state by keeping a reference to the view model for each view.

If you really want to stick to what you have, then Frame.BackStack is a collection of entries in a journal. You can iterate over it and check the type of each object. I think it's actually a reference to the page. I've never seen this approach used in a commercial application.


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