Validate dynamic radio buttons


I would like to know how to check if a radio button is selected before the user clicks submit. Currently, submissions are allowed if nothing is selected.


{%for laptop in laptops%}
    <form action = "{%url 'laptops:delete'%}" method = "post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
        {% csrf_token %}
        <div class="radio">
  <input type="radio" id = "laptop_{{}}" name="laptopname" value = "{{}}">
            <label for = "laptop_{{}}">{{laptop}}</label>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" id="delete-button"/>

#Gets id value from the 'laptopname' radio button
laptopid = int(request.POST.get('laptopname'))
#Finds matching id value
laptop = Laptop.objects.get(id=laptopid)
#Populates form with matching data
data = {'Name': laptop.Name, 'specification': laptop.specification,'warranty': laptop.warranty,
form = forms.MakeSale(initial=data)
return render(request, 'laptops/laptop_sale.html', {'form': form})

Is my approach wrong? Should I be using a form with radio buttons for validation?

Gabriel Tufis

(jQuery, but logic should apply)

The way I do this is to create an event where the user clicks a radio button to give me the ID of that particular radio button. Using the ID, you know that the user pressed the witch radio button.

$("input").click(function () {
<script src=""></script>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <script src="" integrity="sha256-FgpCb/KJQlLNfOu91ta32o/NMZxltwRo8QtmkMRdAu8=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

<input id="1" type="radio" name="lala">
<input id="2" type="radio" name="lala">
<input id="3" type="radio" name="lala">

<script  type="text/javascript" src="Demo.js"></script>

EDIT: If you just want to make sure the user clicks the radio button then just add at the end

<input id="3" type="radio" name="lala" required>


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Validate dynamic radio buttons

Reez0 I would like to know how to check if a radio button is selected before the user clicks submit. Currently, submissions are allowed if nothing is selected. remove.html {%for laptop in laptops%} <form action = "{%url 'laptops:delete'%}" method = "post"

Validate dynamic radio buttons

Reez0 I would like to know how to check if a radio button is selected before the user clicks submit. Currently, submissions are allowed if nothing is selected. remove.html {%for laptop in laptops%} <form action = "{%url 'laptops:delete'%}" method = "post"

Validate dynamic radio buttons

Reez0 I would like to know how to check if a radio button is selected before the user clicks submit. Currently, submissions are allowed if nothing is selected. remove.html {%for laptop in laptops%} <form action = "{%url 'laptops:delete'%}" method = "post"

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Dean Roman I am new to coding and I have some radio buttons that need to be validated without using jquery. if(document.getElementById('GCSE').checked){ examLevel = "GCSE"; } if(document.getElementById('AS').checked){ examLevel = "AS"; } if(document.getElement

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David I'm using the following method to make sure the field is not null before posting in jquery: if(this.field.value == "") { jQuery( ".page-error-message" ).remove(); jQuery(".top").append(jQuery("field required")); jQuery('html, body').animate({ scrol

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username I have 2 radio buttons. I need to validate radio buttons using javascript. Please tell me what is wrong with my code. Here is the code. $(function() { $("#XISubmit").click(function(){ var XIGender= document.forms["XIForm"]["XIGender"].val

Validate radio buttons AngularJS

Spencer This seems like it should be easy, but I didn't find the answer. I have a form and need to verify that a selection has been made from a broadcast group. I've tried using the 'required' attribute on the radio buttons, but after validating the form it wi

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David I'm using the following to make sure the fields are not null before posting in jquery: if(this.field.value == "") { jQuery( ".page-error-message" ).remove(); jQuery(".top").append(jQuery("field required")); jQuery('html, body').animate({ scrollTop:

Validate radio buttons AngularJS

Spencer: This seems like it should be easy, but I didn't find the answer. I have a form in which I need to confirm if a selection has been made from a broadcast group. I tried using the 'required' attribute on the radio buttons, but after validating the form i

Validate dynamic radio buttons

Reez0 I would like to know how to check if a radio button is selected before the user clicks submit. Currently, submissions are allowed if nothing is selected. remove.html {%for laptop in laptops%} <form action = "{%url 'laptops:delete'%}" method = "post"

Validate dynamic radio buttons

Reez0 I would like to know how to check if a radio button is selected before the user clicks submit. Currently, submissions are allowed if nothing is selected. remove.html {%for laptop in laptops%} <form action = "{%url 'laptops:delete'%}" method = "post"

Validate dynamic radio buttons

Reez0 I would like to know how to check if a radio button is selected before the user clicks submit. Currently, submissions are allowed if nothing is selected. remove.html {%for laptop in laptops%} <form action = "{%url 'laptops:delete'%}" method = "post"

Validate dynamic radio buttons

Reez0 I would like to know how to check if a radio button is selected before the user clicks submit. Currently, submissions are allowed if nothing is selected. remove.html {%for laptop in laptops%} <form action = "{%url 'laptops:delete'%}" method = "post"

How to validate radio buttons?

Dean Roman I am new to coding and I have some radio buttons that need to be validated without using jquery. if(document.getElementById('GCSE').checked){ examLevel = "GCSE"; } if(document.getElementById('AS').checked){ examLevel = "AS"; } if(document.getElement

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username I have 2 radio buttons. I need to validate radio buttons using javascript. Please tell me what is wrong with my code. Here is the code. $(function() { $("#XISubmit").click(function(){ var XIGender= document.forms["XIForm"]["XIGender"].val

Validate radio buttons in jQuery

David I'm using the following to make sure the fields are not null before posting in jquery: if(this.field.value == "") { jQuery( ".page-error-message" ).remove(); jQuery(".top").append(jQuery("field required")); jQuery('html, body').animate({ scrollTop:

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