Knockout.js foreach not showing list of items

Ronald McDonald

this doesn't work

                <div data-bind="foreach:nonAdminIB">
                    <div><span data-bind="text: explanation"></span>&nbsp;</div>

This does show the data, but I've hardcoded the index number and I don't really know how many items there will be.

                <div><span data-bind="text: nonAdminIB[0].explanation"></span>&nbsp;</div>
                <div><span data-bind="text: nonAdminIB[1].explanation"></span>&nbsp;</div>

This is the data sent to the browser

  "nonAdminIB": {
    "0": {
      "nonAdminIrregularBehaviorId": 383,
      "irregularBehaviorId": 5,
      "irregularBehaviorDescription": "Falsified Information",
      "explanation": "Falsification of information on applications/scheduling permits."
    "1": {
      "nonAdminIrregularBehaviorId": 384,
      "irregularBehaviorId": 6,
      "irregularBehaviorDescription": "Falsified Score",
      "explanation": "Falsification of score information. "

How do I get the foreach service?


nonAdminIBCurrently an object, foreachonly works with arrays.

You have to convert it to an array:

var nonAdminIBArray = [];

for(var prop in nonAdminIB) {
  if(nonAdminIB.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {

Then use nonAdminIBArraywith knockout .


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