Shiny: How to prevent selectInput from being reset by selecting the second selectInput


This builds on a question I ran into here , but I'm simplifying the example to make it easier to read (and therefore easier for future searchers).

reproducible example

Here is the data:


food_table <- structure(list(Food_category = c("Fruit", "Fruit", "Fruit", "Fruit", 
                                               "Vegetable", "Vegetable", "Fruit", "Fruit", "Fruit", "Vegetable"
), Food = c("Granny Smith apple", "McIntosh apple", "Avocado", 
            "Blueberries", "Broccoli, steamed", "Cucumber", "Banana", "Cherries", 
            "Nectarine", "Red onion"), Serving_Size = c(1, 1, 0.333333333333333, 
                                                        1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), Serving_Unit = c("apple", "apple", "avocado", 
                                                                                               "cup", "cup", "cup", "banana", "cup", "nectarine", "cup"), Carbs_per_Serving = c(25, 
                                                                                                                                                                                25, 4, 21, 3.5, 4, 27, 25, 15, 11)), row.names = c(NA, -10L), class = c("tbl_df", 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        "tbl", "data.frame"))


   Food_category Food               Serving_Size Serving_Unit Carbs_per_Serving
   <chr>         <chr>                     <dbl> <chr>                    <dbl>
 1 Fruit         Granny Smith apple        1     apple                     25  
 2 Fruit         McIntosh apple            1     apple                     25  
 3 Fruit         Avocado                   0.333 avocado                    4  
 4 Fruit         Blueberries               1     cup                       21  
 5 Vegetable     Broccoli, steamed         1     cup                        3.5
 6 Vegetable     Cucumber                  1     cup                        4  
 7 Fruit         Banana                    1     banana                    27  
 8 Fruit         Cherries                  1     cup                       25  
 9 Fruit         Nectarine                 1     nectarine                 15  
10 Vegetable     Red onion                 1     cup                       11  

I have a shiny app which has multiple inputs. This works, except when a new selection is made in the second food category box, the food selection in the first row changes back to the first element. In other words, if I select "Fruit" in the first row, then "Avocado" and "1", then when I go to the second row and select "Vegetables", the selected food item changes from "Avocado" " becomes "Grandma "Smith Apple". I'm trying to figure out how to prevent the row from resetting after making a selection.

Here is the stripped down shiny code:

# Table filters
categories <- sort(unique(food_table$Food_category))
foods      <- sort(unique(food_table$Food))
unit       <- sort(unique(food_table$Serving_Unit))

# Create Shiny app 

   # Define UI
    ui <- fluidPage(headerPanel(strong("Carbohydrate Calculator")),
                        width = 3,
                          inputId = 'cat_1',
                          label   = 'Food Category',
                          choices = c("None", categories)
                        width = 3,
                          inputId = 'food_1',
                          label   = 'Food Item',
                          choices = foods
                        width = 3,
                          inputId = "actual_serving_1",
                          label = "How much?",
                          value = "",
                          min = 0,
                          max = 100
                        width = 3,
                          inputId = 'cat_2',
                          label   = 'Food Category',
                          choices = c("None", categories)
                        width = 3,
                          inputId = 'food_2',
                          label   = 'Food Item',
                          choices = foods
                        width = 3,
                          inputId = "actual_serving_2",
                          label = "How much?",
                          value = "",
                          min = 0,
                          max = 100
                           span(textOutput("my_message"), style="color:red")
                    ) # Column close
    )                 # fluidPage close
    # Define server logic required to draw a histogram
    server <- function(input, output, session) {
      food_table_1 <- reactive({
        food_table %>%
          filter(Food_category == input$cat_1) %>% 
          filter(Food == input$food_1) %>% 
          mutate(Actual_amount = input$actual_serving_1) 
      food_table_2 <- reactive({
        food_table %>%
          filter(Food_category == input$cat_2) %>% 
          filter(Food == input$food_2) %>% 
          mutate(Actual_amount = input$actual_serving_2) 
      # Combine selections into a single table
      combined_tables <- reactive({"rbind", list(food_table_1(),
        ) %>% 
          mutate(Total_Carbs_grams = Carbs_per_Serving * Actual_amount / Serving_Size) %>% 
          select(Food_category, Food, Serving_Size, Serving_Unit, Actual_amount, Carbs_per_Serving, Total_Carbs_grams, everything())
      # Render Output table
      output$my_table <- renderTable({
      # Create observe function which updates the second selectInput when the first selectInput is changed
          inputId = "food_1",
          choices = food_table %>% filter(Food_category == input$cat_1) %>% pull(Food)
          inputId = "food_2",
          choices = food_table %>% filter(Food_category == input$cat_2) %>% pull(Food)
      }) # Observe close
    }    # Server close
    # Run the application 
    shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
ronak shah

You can set selectedin updateSelectInputand input$food_1respectively input$food_2.

      inputId = "food_1",
      choices = food_table %>% filter(Food_category == input$cat_1) %>% pull(Food), 
      selected = input$food_1

Complete application code -


categories <- sort(unique(food_table$Food_category))
foods      <- sort(unique(food_table$Food))
unit       <- sort(unique(food_table$Serving_Unit))

# Create Shiny app 

# Define UI
ui <- fluidPage(headerPanel(strong("Carbohydrate Calculator")),
                    width = 3,
                      inputId = 'cat_1',
                      label   = 'Food Category',
                      choices = c("None", categories)
                    width = 3,
                      inputId = 'food_1',
                      label   = 'Food Item',
                      choices = foods
                    width = 3,
                      inputId = "actual_serving_1",
                      label = "How much?",
                      value = "",
                      min = 0,
                      max = 100
                    width = 3,
                      inputId = 'cat_2',
                      label   = 'Food Category',
                      choices = c("None", categories)
                    width = 3,
                      inputId = 'food_2',
                      label   = 'Food Item',
                      choices = foods
                    width = 3,
                      inputId = "actual_serving_2",
                      label = "How much?",
                      value = "",
                      min = 0,
                      max = 100
                       span(textOutput("my_message"), style="color:red")
                ) # Column close
)                 # fluidPage close

# Define server logic required to draw a histogram
server <- function(input, output, session) {
  food_table_1 <- reactive({
    food_table %>%
      filter(Food_category == input$cat_1) %>% 
      filter(Food == input$food_1) %>% 
      mutate(Actual_amount = input$actual_serving_1) 
  food_table_2 <- reactive({
    food_table %>%
      filter(Food_category == input$cat_2) %>% 
      filter(Food == input$food_2) %>% 
      mutate(Actual_amount = input$actual_serving_2) 
  # Combine selections into a single table
  combined_tables <- reactive({"rbind", list(food_table_1(),
    ) %>% 
      mutate(Total_Carbs_grams = Carbs_per_Serving * Actual_amount / Serving_Size) %>% 
      select(Food_category, Food, Serving_Size, Serving_Unit, Actual_amount, Carbs_per_Serving, Total_Carbs_grams, everything())
  # Render Output table
  output$my_table <- renderTable({
  # Create observe function which updates the second selectInput when the first selectInput is changed
      inputId = "food_1",
      choices = food_table %>% filter(Food_category == input$cat_1) %>% pull(Food), 
      selected = input$food_1
      inputId = "food_2",
      choices = food_table %>% filter(Food_category == input$cat_2) %>% pull(Food), 
      selected = input$food_2
  }) # Observe close
}    # Server close

# Run the application 
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)


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