Potential concurrency issues when checking and updating records in a table


this is the case

Members must redeem tokens to access (unlock) a given item. The relevant database tables are:

Table 1


Table 2


The check or constraint I need to perform is

  1. TOKEN_BALANCE must be > 0 when the user tries to unlock the item, and
  2. The user has not unlocked the same item before.

My hunch is to write a simple method in MemberService.java:

public void unlockItem(Member member, Item item){
    itemDAO.unlockItem(member, item);

I handle the second requirement by adding constraints uniqueon MEMBER_ID/ ITEM_IDpairs on the table UNLOCKED_ITEM.

I think, the only thing I need to take care of is that the user is trying to unlock many items at the same time TOKEN_BALANCEand the requirements are not met. For example, TOKEN_BALANCE1, but the user clicks to virtually unlock both items at the same time.

Here is my MemberBalanceDAO.decrementBalancemethod:

public void decrementBalance(Member member) {
    MemberBalance memberBalance = this.findMemberBalance(member);
    if (memberBalance.getTokens() >= 1) {
        memberBalance.setTokens(memberBalance.getTokens() - 1);
    } else {
        throw new SomeCustomRTException("No balance");

I don't think this will save me from the TOKEN_BALANCE=1 use case. I'm worried about having multiple unlock requests at the same time. If the balance is 1, I can get two calls at the same time, decrementBalance()both submit the balance as 0, and then both are called successfully itemDAO.unlockItem(...), right?

How should I implement this? Should I set transaction for service level method to isolation = Isolation.SERIALIZABLE? Or is there a cleaner/better way to solve this problem?

Adeel Ansari:

I recommend that you introduce the columns versionin the member_balancetable . See the documentation for optimistic locking .

As mentioned, you cannot modify the schema; you can use versionless optimistic locking, explained here .

Alternatively, you might want to do pessimistic locking, as described here . Then you can modify the method decrementBalance()to get the member balance here, please don't use findMemberBalance(). E.g,

public void decrementBalance(Member member) {
    MemberBalance memberBalance = entityManager.find(
        MemberBalance.class, member.id, LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_WRITE,             
        Collections.singletonMap( "javax.persistence.lock.timeout", 200 ) //If not supported, the Hibernate dialect ignores this query hint.
    if (memberBalance.getTokens() >= 1) {
        memberBalance.setTokens(memberBalance.getTokens() - 1);
    } else {
        throw new SomeCustomRTException("No balance");

Note: it may not work as-is; just to give you some hints.


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