event.preventdefault doesn't work in Firefox


I am using the jQuery below to toggle the hidden div. It works everywhere except Firefox, I know the error is (ReferenceError: event not defined), but I'm not sure where to define the event, so if someone could help that would be great. Thanks in advance!

Each button is written as:

<div class="btn_view"><a href="#" onclick="toggle_visibility('all-avon',this);">VIEW TYRES</a></div>


function toggle_visibility (id,el) {
    $('.btn_view a').html('VIEW PRODUCTS’);
    var e = document.getElementById(id);
    if (e.style.display == 'block') 
        e.style.display = 'none';
        $(el).html('VIEW ALL');
        e.style.display = 'block';
        $(el).html('HIDE PRODUCTS’);


function hideAllBut(id) {
    var lists = document.querySelectorAll('.reveal');
    for (var i = lists.length; i--; ) {
        if (lists[i].id != id) {
            lists[i].style.display = 'none';

In FireFox, you can pass the event object as a parameter, for example:

<div class="btn_view"><a href="#" onclick="toggle_visibility('all-avon',this, event);">VIEW TYRES</a></div>

function toggle_visibility (id,el, e)(then use e.preventDefault, just keep it separate from window.event in IE)

Although, when you're using jQuery, I'd recommend doing what Sergio mentioned above/below.


event.preventdefault doesn't work in Firefox

in Nakyo I'm trying to make part of the text in the Input read-only to achieve what I found this code but doesn't work in FIrefox, works fine in chrome. Found out that event.preventDefault was causing the problem. Tried returning false, that didn't work either

event.preventdefault doesn't work in Firefox

in Nakyo I'm trying to make part of the text in the Input read-only to achieve what I found this code but doesn't work in FIrefox, works fine in chrome. Found out that event.preventDefault was causing the problem. Tried returning false, that didn't work either

event.preventDefault doesn't work in Firefox

username I'm not sure why, but for some reason phone calls event.preventDefault()in Firefox are not working. I use it to prevent clicking on the link that redirects ayou to href, and instead run the click function. marked as follows: jQuery: $('.sub-list-click

event.preventdefault doesn't work in Firefox

in Nakyo I'm trying to make part of the text in the Input read-only to achieve what I found this code but doesn't work in FIrefox, works fine in chrome. Found out that event.preventDefault was causing the problem. Tried returning false, that didn't work either

event.preventDefault doesn't work in Firefox

username I'm not sure why, but for some reason phone calls event.preventDefault()in Firefox are not working. I use it to prevent clicking on the link that redirects ayou to href, and instead run the click function. marked as follows: jQuery: $('.sub-list-click

preventDefault doesn't work in Firefox

Andrew Burrow I have an input called shop_cat_edit and the code below. But in FireFox this code never works...even IE accepts it. What am I doing wrong? $('[name=shop_cat_edit]').on('click',function(e){ $('#shop_cat_selector_form').on('submit', function(){e

event.preventDefault() on keydown doesn't work

Stave Tried to capture keypresses on the Bootstrap tab panel menu, but ignored the preventDefault() placed on the tab's keypress handler, it just bubbled up. document.onkeydown = function(e) { console.log("document catched the keydown event"); }; $('body >

event.preventDefault() on keydown doesn't work

Stave Tried to capture keypresses on the Bootstrap tab panel menu, but ignored the preventDefault() placed on the tab's keypress handler, it just bubbled up. document.onkeydown = function(e) { console.log("document catched the keydown event"); }; $('body >

event.preventDefault() on keydown doesn't work

Stave Tried to capture keypresses on the Bootstrap tab panel menu, but ignored the preventDefault() placed on the tab's keypress handler, it just bubbled up. document.onkeydown = function(e) { console.log("document catched the keydown event"); }; $('body >

React doesn't work for preventDefault() on onCopy event

Sviat Kuzhelev I'm trying to figure out how to make the clipboard event return falseon the onCopy event . I use test onCopyhandlers and e.preventDefault()methods. But the text is copied to the buffer without a hitch! What am I missing? Thank you in advance. im

event.preventDefault doesn't work in React

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event.preventDefault() doesn't work on click

Dai Du I want to stop event click. I tried using event.preventDefault()"ul li a" to stop the event. <ul> <li><a href="#">Click here</a></li> </ul> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $(document).on('click','ul li a', functi

preventDefault() doesn't work on change event

SlimJim Any ideas why preventDefault doesn't work? Here is the code below. . . Tks! <head> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#text1").change(function(e) {

.unbind() doesn't work with event.preventDefault()

Justin Medas I have a responsive Javascript file that works successfully to unbind basic jQuery functionality. When the browser is set to tablet, the navigation is toggled based on click, so I disabled linking to any li element with ul. $('.main-navigation .me

event.preventDefault doesn't work

Jose Sala I have this code below but can't get event.preventDefault() to work. The problem is, I already have other forms and it works fine. I'm sure you can help me. Here is the code: $(document).on('dblclick','td.selecionaCodigoCliente', function(){

event.preventDefault() doesn't work on mozilla

Emi I'm having trouble getting a feature to work when using Google Chrome, but in Mozilla I'm having trouble: The JavaScript code is: <script type="text/javascript"> function gid(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } function valida

event.preventDefault() on keydown doesn't work

Stave Tried to capture keypresses on the Bootstrap tab panel menu, but ignored the preventDefault() placed on the tab's keypress handler, it just bubbled up. document.onkeydown = function(e) { console.log("document catched the keydown event"); }; $('body >

event.preventDefault() on keydown doesn't work

Stave Tried to capture keypresses on the Bootstrap tab panel menu, but ignored the preventDefault() placed on the tab's keypress handler, it just bubbled up. document.onkeydown = function(e) { console.log("document catched the keydown event"); }; $('body >

React doesn't work for preventDefault() on onCopy event

Sviat Kuzhelev I'm trying to figure out how to make the clipboard event return falseon the onCopy event . I use test onCopyhandlers and e.preventDefault()methods. But the text is copied to the buffer without a hitch! What am I missing? Thank you in advance. im

event.preventDefault() doesn't work on click

Dai Du I want to stop event click. I tried using event.preventDefault()"ul li a" to stop the event. <ul> <li><a href="#">Click here</a></li> </ul> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $(document).on('click','ul li a', functi

event.preventDefault doesn't work

Jose Sala I have this code below but can't get event.preventDefault() to work. The problem is, I already have other forms and it works fine. I'm sure you can help me. Here is the code: $(document).on('dblclick','td.selecionaCodigoCliente', function(){

event.preventDefault() function doesn't work in IE

sv_in : Here is my JavaScript (mootools) code: $('orderNowForm').addEvent('submit', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); allFilled = false; $$(".required").each(function (inp) { if (inp.getValue() != '') { allFilled = true

jQuery .click() event.preventDefault() doesn't work

Richard King: I'm building an extensible web application by putting scripts into a preset directory. The script needs to read the file header before going to the page, so I need to use .preventDefault() when I click the link and run some JScript first. Unfortu

event.preventDefault() doesn't work on android chrome

Venkat Kiran event.preventDefault() does not work on Chrome Android OS. While doing the same on chrome IOS. I even used event.stopPropagation(), event.stopImmediatePropagation(). HTML: <input class="otherAmount" type="text"id="pVal" name="pVal" onkeydown="val