Chart.js 2.0 - Vertical Lines


Can anyone tell me how to extend Chart.js v2.0. I need vertical lines in a line chart and want to achieve something similar to .

name: "LineWithLine",
draw: function () {
    Chart.types.Line.prototype.draw.apply(this, arguments);

    var point = this.datasets[0].points[this.options.lineAtIndex]
    var scale = this.scale

    // draw line
    this.chart.ctx.moveTo(point.x, scale.startPoint + 24);
    this.chart.ctx.strokeStyle = '#ff0000';
    this.chart.ctx.lineTo(point.x, scale.endPoint);

    // write TODAY
    this.chart.ctx.textAlign = 'center';
    this.chart.ctx.fillText("TODAY", point.x, scale.startPoint + 12);

new Chart(ctx).LineWithLine(data, {
                            datasetFill : false,
                            lineAtIndex: 2
potato skins

Update : See for a simpler and more robust solution using the "chart annotation" plugin .

You can extend linethe type to add support for line drawing


enter image description here


var originalLineDraw = Chart.controllers.line.prototype.draw;
Chart.helpers.extend(Chart.controllers.line.prototype, {
  draw: function() {
    originalLineDraw.apply(this, arguments);

    var chart = this.chart;
    var ctx = chart.chart.ctx;

    var index =;
    if (index) {
      var xaxis = chart.scales['x-axis-0'];
      var yaxis = chart.scales['y-axis-0'];;
      ctx.moveTo(xaxis.getPixelForValue(undefined, index),;
      ctx.strokeStyle = '#ff0000';
      ctx.lineTo(xaxis.getPixelForValue(undefined, index), yaxis.bottom);


var config = {
  type: 'line',
  data: {
    labels: ...
    datasets: [
    lineAtIndex: 2

Fiddle -


Chart.js — draw arbitrary vertical lines

Frederick: How to draw a vertical line at a specific point on the x-axis using Chart.js? In particular, I want to draw a line on the LineChart to indicate the current day. Here is a mockup of the graph : Potato Skins: UPDATE

Chart.js 2.0 - Vertical Lines

Wannen Can anyone tell me how to extend Chart.js v2.0. I need vertical lines in a line chart and want to achieve something similar to . Chart.types.Line.extend({ name: "LineWithLine", draw: function () { Chart.types.Line.proto

Chart.js — draw arbitrary vertical lines

Frederick: How to draw a vertical line at a specific point on the x-axis using Chart.js? In particular, I want to draw a line on the LineChart to indicate the current day. Here is a mockup of the graph : Potato Skins: UPDATE

Chart.js 2.0 - Vertical Lines

Wannen Can anyone tell me how to extend Chart.js v2.0. I need vertical lines in a line chart and want to achieve something similar to . Chart.types.Line.extend({ name: "LineWithLine", draw: function () { Chart.types.Line.proto

Chart.js — draw arbitrary vertical lines

Frederick: How to draw a vertical line at a specific point on the x-axis using Chart.js? In particular, I want to draw a line on the LineChart to indicate the current day. Here is a mockup of the graph : Potato Skins: UPDATE

Chart.js 2.0 - Vertical Lines

Wannen Can anyone tell me how to extend Chart.js v2.0. I need vertical lines in a line chart and want to achieve something similar to . Chart.types.Line.extend({ name: "LineWithLine", draw: function () { Chart.types.Line.proto

Chart.js 2.0 - Vertical Lines

Wannen Can anyone tell me how to extend Chart.js v2.0. I need vertical lines in a line chart and want to achieve something similar to . Chart.types.Line.extend({ name: "LineWithLine", draw: function () { Chart.types.Line.proto

Chart.js 2.0 - Vertical Lines

Wannen Can anyone tell me how to extend Chart.js v2.0. I need vertical lines in a line chart and want to achieve something similar to . Chart.types.Line.extend({ name: "LineWithLine", draw: function () { Chart.types.Line.proto

Chart.js 2.0 - Vertical Lines

Wannen Can anyone tell me how to extend Chart.js v2.0. I need vertical lines in a line chart and want to achieve something similar to . Chart.types.Line.extend({ name: "LineWithLine", draw: function () { Chart.types.Line.proto

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Add vertical lines to the background of a Quantmod chart

behemoth How can I add vertical lines to a graph in quantmod that appears in the background ? Consider the following example: library(quantmod) symbol <- "AAPL" cache <- new.env() getSymbols(symbol, env=cache) chartSeries(cache$AAPL, subset="last 3 months") pl

Add vertical lines to the background of a Quantmod chart

behemoth How can I add vertical lines to a graph in quantmod that appears in the background ? Consider the following example: library(quantmod) symbol <- "AAPL" cache <- new.env() getSymbols(symbol, env=cache) chartSeries(cache$AAPL, subset="last 3 months") pl