Change anchor text after click with jQuery


I am using the following code to show/hide a div when an anchor is clicked.





So when the "show_hide" div is clicked, the "slidingDiv" is displayed. However, once the "show_hide" div is clicked, how can I change it's text. For example, I want "show_hide" to show "Toggle Open", once I click "Toggle Close", how can I change it?



You can do it like this:





<a href="#" class="show_hide">
    <span class="textopen">Toggle Open</span>
    <span class="textclose">Toggle Close</span>


.textclose {display: none;} .textopen {display: none;} .textclose {display: inline;}

For example, I personally prefer to keep the text in html rather than JS for maintenance purposes. Keep your JavaScript clean too.


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