Eloquent doesn't recognize fillable fields when adding constructor to model


I have a model Categorylike this :

namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Category extends Model
     * @var $fillable
    protected $fillable = array('title', 'slug' , 'descriptoin', 'cover', 'logo', 'parent_id');

     * @var $category_logo_pathp
    protected $category_logo_path ;

     * @var $category_cover_path
    protected $category_cover_path ;

     * constructor
    function __construct()
        $this->category_cover_path = public_path() . '/upload/image/category/cover/';
        $this->category_logo_path = public_path() . '/upload/image/category/logo/';

     * relation with itself
    public function parent()
        return self::where('id', $this->parent_id)->first();

    public function coverPath()
        return $this->category_cover_path;

    public function logoPath()
        return $this->category_logo_path;

When inserting a category instance with the correct data into the database, Eloquent doesn't recognize the model's fillable fields and then throws, Illuminate\Database\QueryExceptionbut when I remove the constructor from the category model, it works fine and Eloquent recognizes the fillable fields. What's causing this?

Marcin Nabiavik

Of course you should run the parent constructor, and using the default model signature is probably very reasonable, so your constructor should look like this:

public function __construct(array $attributes = [])
   $this->category_cover_path = public_path() . '/upload/image/category/cover/';
   $this->category_logo_path = public_path() . '/upload/image/category/logo/';


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