Apache2 wildcard not showing correct DocumentRoot


For some reason my apache2 server was showing me the contents of another virtual host instead of the wildcard virtual host.

When I type hello.purecore.io, the apache2 server will show what is in api.purecore.io and show another folder.

The virtualhost configuration for my wildcard domain is

<VirtualHost *:80>
  DocumentRoot /var/www/wildcard.purecore.io
  ServerName wildcard.purecore.io
  ServerAlias *.purecore.io

and save as "00_wildcard.purecore.io.conf", the virtual host for api.purecore.io is

<VirtualHost api.purecore.io:80>
        DocumentRoot /var/www/api.purecore.io/
        ServerName api.purecore.io
        ServerAdmin [email protected]

and save it as api.purecore.io.conf. so,

  1. When entering any random subdomain other than api.purecore.io, it should load content from /var/www/wildcard.purecore.io,
  2. When accessing api.purecore.io, content should be loaded from /var/www/api.purecore.io/

But for some reason the contents of /var/www/api.purecore.io/ are also displayed when visiting a random domain.

Nick 3500

Apache processes these parts <VirtualHost>sequentially . So be the first to read 00_wildcard.purecore.io.confthe words here api.purecore.io.conf.

But that line ServerAlias *.purecore.ioincludes domain api.purecore.io, so it uses that VirtualHost's configuration.

Solution, rename the files to make sure the order is correct. You want to put the most restrictive VirtualHost first, and the wildcards first.

mv 00_wildcard.purecore.io.conf 01_wildcard.purecore.io.conf
mv api.purecore.io.conf 00_api.purecore.io.conf

and restart (or run normally).

FYI: If Apache cannot find another VirtualHost definition that matches the request, the first VirtualHost is always the default.

FYI 2: No need <VirtualHost api.purecore.io:80>, place <VirtualHost *:80>, order is the solution here.


Apache2 wildcard not showing correct DocumentRoot

Quebec For some reason my apache2 server was showing me the contents of another virtual host instead of the wildcard virtual host. When I type hello.purecore.io, the apache2 server will show what is in api.purecore.io and show another folder. The virtualhost c

Apache2 wildcard not showing correct DocumentRoot

Quebec For some reason my apache2 server was showing me the contents of another virtual host instead of the wildcard virtual host. When I type hello.purecore.io, the apache2 server will show what is in api.purecore.io and show another folder. The virtualhost c

Apache2 wildcard not showing correct DocumentRoot

Quebec For some reason my apache2 server was showing me the contents of another virtual host instead of the wildcard virtual host. When I type hello.purecore.io, the apache2 server will show what is in api.purecore.io and show another folder. The virtualhost c

Apache2 wildcard not showing correct DocumentRoot

Quebec For some reason my apache2 server was showing me the contents of another virtual host instead of the wildcard virtual host. When I type hello.purecore.io, the apache2 server will show what is in api.purecore.io and show another folder. The virtualhost c

Apache2 wildcard not showing correct DocumentRoot

Quebec For some reason my apache2 server was showing me the contents of another virtual host instead of the wildcard virtual host. When I type hello.purecore.io, the apache2 server will show what is in api.purecore.io and show another folder. The virtualhost c

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