Knockout.js cannot map observable array from json

last name

Unable to map json to observable array. I used the code from the tutorial ( ).

function Movie(data) { = ko.observable(;
    this.description = ko.observable(data.description);
    this.duration = ko.observable(data.duration); = ko.observable(;
    this.imdb_id = ko.observable(data.imdb_id);
    this.original_name = ko.observable(data.original_name);
    this.poster = ko.observable(data.poster);
    this.type = ko.observable(data.type);
    this.year = ko.observable(data.year);

function MovieListViewModel() {
    // Data
    var self = this;

    self.moviesArray = ko.observableArray([]);
    self.searchQuery = ko.observable();

    self.searchMovies = function () {
        $.getJSON("/api/v1/movies/search/", {"query": self.searchQuery }, function(allData) {
            var mappedMovies = $.map(allData.movies, function(item) { return new Movie(item) });
            console.log(mappedMovies); // in this line output: [Movie, Movie, Movie, Movie, Movie, Movie]

            console.log(self.moviesArray); // in this line output: []

ko.applyBindings(new MovieListViewModel());

I don't understand what is wrong.

PS sorry for my english



{"query": self.searchQuery }


{"query": self.searchQuery() }






Knockout.js cannot map observable array from json

last name Unable to map json to observable array. I used the code from the tutorial ( ). function Movie(data) { = ko.observable(; this.description = ko.observable(data.description); this.duration = k

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