ktor client https request with self signed certificate

Jay Yanez

I have a Ktor server application (REST API) with a self signed certificate.

From the browser (after the warning and confirmation) it works fine, port 80 redirects to 8443.

However, if I try this from the Ktor Apache Client:

fun main(args: Array<String>) = runBlocking {

    val client = HttpClient(Apache) {
        install(JsonFeature) {
            serializer = GsonSerializer()

    val job = GlobalScope.launch {
        try {
            //self-signed certificate
            val resultWillFail = client.get<String>("")
            val resultOk = client.get<String>("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page") //ok
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            println("Error: ${e.message}")


My request to will fail:

Error: General SSLEngine problem

I also tried the same using curl:

curl: (77) schannel: Next InitializeSecurityContext failed: SEC_E_UNTRUSTED_ROOT (0x80090325) - The certificate chain was issued by an untrusted authority.

So my question is: how to use self signed certificate in ktor client (Apache)?

Thanks, J

Erik Pragt

You need to configure Apache HttpClient to ignore self-signed certificates and pass them to KTor. Based on the information here , you can ignore self-signed certificate verification with the following code:

// use the TrustSelfSignedStrategy to allow Self Signed Certificates
val sslContext = SSLContextBuilder

val allowAllHosts = NoopHostnameVerifier()
val connectionFactory = SSLConnectionSocketFactory(sslContext, allowAllHosts)

val client = HttpClients

The last thing you want to do is use the client in your KTor code. I haven't tried it yet, but let me know about yours.


ktor client https request with self signed certificate

Jay Yanez I have a Ktor server application (REST API) with a self signed certificate. From the browser (after the warning and confirmation) it works fine, port 80 redirects to 8443. However, if I try this from the Ktor Apache Client: fun main(args: Array<Strin

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