RSA encryption/decryption using Java


I am doing a simple program to encrypt/decrypt using the RSA algorithm in Java. I create a password object like this:

//Create a Cipher object
Cipher rsaCipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/NoPadding");

I encrypt by calling the encrypt function:

String cipher=encrypt(textByte, pair, rsaCipher);
System.out.println("The Encryption using RSA Algorithm : "+cipher);

and decrypt as:

String plain=decrypt(Base64.decodeBase64(cipher),pair, rsaCipher);
System.out.println("The Decryption using RSA Algorithm : "+plain);

When I display the output, the decrypted output returns a long space before the original text:enter image description here

However, when I edit the code that creates the Cipher object to: //Create Cipher object Cipher rsaCipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA");

i.e. the operation mode and padding parameters are removed, the problem is solved and the output becomes:enter image description here

Where is the problem. In the first case (when spaces appear), do I specify NoPadding? Why do spaces appear in the decrypted message? Even with padding, I hope this doesn't happen.

EDIT: Here is the encryption and decryption method:

public static String encrypt(byte[] textBytes, KeyPair pair, Cipher rsaCipher) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchPaddingException, InvalidKeyException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException
    //get the public key
    PublicKey pk=pair.getPublic(); 

    //Initialize the cipher for encryption. Use the public key.
    rsaCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, pk);

    //Perform the encryption using doFinal
    byte[] encByte = rsaCipher.doFinal(textBytes);

    // converts to base64 for easier display.
    byte[] base64Cipher = Base64.encodeBase64(encByte);

    return new String(base64Cipher);
}//end encrypt

public static String decrypt(byte[] cipherBytes, KeyPair pair, Cipher rsaCipher) throws IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException, InvalidKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchPaddingException
    //get the public key
    PrivateKey pvk=pair.getPrivate(); 

    //Create a Cipher object
    //Cipher rsaCipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/NoPadding");

    //Initialize the cipher for encryption. Use the public key.
    rsaCipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, pvk);

    //Perform the encryption using doFinal
    byte[] decByte = rsaCipher.doFinal(cipherBytes);

    return new String(decByte);

}//end decrypt
Martin Podwith

Your problem is indeed with padding. The secure RSA function requires some kind of padding, actually PKCS#1 1.5 or OAEP padding. Also, the beginning and end of the encrypted plain text needs to be found.

RSA's modular exponentiation is performed using large integers. Then, the results of these operations are represented as octet strings. These octet strings are basically big-endian unsigned fixed-length representations of integers. These integers hold 00value bytes (called I2OS primitives in the RSA standard). So what you're seeing is the result of the modular exponentiation, while the 00padding is still there.

Long story short, always use a padding scheme. Today, OAEP would be preferable. Use with hybrid encryption schemes, or use higher-level container formats such as CMS or PGP.


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