How to secure client side of React + Redux + reactRouter app?

Andrey Rusev

I am building a react + redux + reactRouter app. I have an api that sends me a token after login, so I can secure my api, but I have frontend routes (like dashboards) that should be secured.

I have a login form that dispatches a login action.

.../actions/loginAction.js'/api/auth', {
        email: email,
        password: password
    }).then(function (response) {
            type: ? types.LOGIN_SUCCESS : LOGIN_FAILED,
            email: email
    }).catch(function (error) {
            type: LOGIN_FAILED,
            error: error

and reducer

import * as types from '../actions/actionTypes';

let initialState = {
    email: '',
    isAuthenticated: false,
    authenticating: false,
    authError: false

export default (state = initialState, action) => {
    switch (action.type){
        case types.LOGIN_START:
            return Object.assign({}, state, {authenticating: true});
        case types.LOGIN_FAILED:
            return Object.assign({}, state, {authenticating: false, isAuthenticated: false, authError: action.error});
        case types.LOGIN_SUCCESS:
            return Object.assign({}, state, {
                authenticating: false,
                isAuthenticated: true,
                authError: false,
            return state;

It works, but anyone can hack it and just edit the redux-stored value from the console, or dispatch the LOGIN_SUCCESS action, or even edit the js where it's validated, right? How to avoid it?

rich churchill

Dmitry 's comment is correct, but just expands on this: every request for non-public information should be resolved with some kind of permission check, which you can't do in the client. It's perfectly reasonable LOGIN_SUCCESSto take action , but its purpose is to inform routing and aspects of the UI. So you can switch routes based on actions like this, but when necessary, you should make sure that every part of your API interaction includes authentication and authorization.

So, for example, your "fake" user is routed to mysecretrouteafter spoofing their login , but all API interactions in that route will fail and they'll be dumped back to the login screen again. Of course, you certainly wouldn't rely solely on client state values isAuthenticated​​to decide whether to expose sensitive data.


How to secure client side of React + Redux + reactRouter app?

Andrey Rusev I am building a react + redux + reactRouter app. I have an api that sends me a token after login, so I can secure my api, but I have frontend routes (like dashboards) that should be secured. I have a login form that dispatches a login action. .../

How to secure client side of React + Redux + reactRouter app?

Andrey Rusev I am building a react + redux + reactRouter app. I have an api that sends me a token after login, so I can secure my api, but I have frontend routes (like dashboards) that should be secured. I have a login form that dispatches a login action. .../

How to secure client side of React + Redux + reactRouter app?

Andrey Rusev I am building a react + redux + reactRouter app. I have an api that sends me a token after login, so I can secure my api, but I have frontend routes (like dashboards) that should be secured. I have a login form that dispatches a login action. .../

How to secure client side of React + Redux + reactRouter app?

Andrey Rusev I am building a react + redux + reactRouter app. I have an api that sends me a token after login, so I can secure my api, but I have frontend routes (like dashboards) that should be secured. I have a login form that dispatches a login action. .../

How to secure client side of React + Redux + reactRouter app?

Andrey Rusev I am building a react + redux + reactRouter app. I have an api that sends me a token after login, so I can secure my api, but I have frontend routes (like dashboards) that should be secured. I have a login form that dispatches a login action. .../

How to secure client side of React + Redux + reactRouter app?

Andrey Rusev I am building a react + redux + reactRouter app. I have an api that sends me a token after login, so I can secure my api, but I have frontend routes (like dashboards) that should be secured. I have a login form that dispatches a login action. .../

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