Export data from Kendo-UI grid

User 1451111

The KendoUI grid code in my app is declarative like this:

<kendo-grid id="myGrid" options="mainGridOptions">
            <button kendoGridExcelCommand>Export to Excel</button>
         <kendo-grid-excel fileName="GridData.xlsx">
    <div k-detail-template>
        <kendo-tabstrip> Some DIVs and fields here </kendo-tabstrip>
   <kendo-grid-excel fileName="Products.xlsx"></kendo-grid-excel>

The data source for this grid is attached at runtime. I'm trying to make the " Export to Excel" button available, but it doesn't work. What am I doing wrong?

User 1451111

For anyone who stumbles upon this problem in the future, here is the solution. If a template is used, the button to export the grid to Excel must programmatically call the saveAsExcel method. Since I'm using a template, I add a button and write its onclick event like this:

<button id='exportEx' onclick='$("#myGrid").data("kendo-grid").saveAsExcel();'>Export to Excel</button>


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